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A common rule of thumb is to use two fingers between 
each letter. You could also use one of the vertical line 
stencils to estimate space. With letter combinations such 
as o and y, you might want to give less space to avoid 
large empty gaps under overhangs. 

You may want to map out your letters in pencil first, if you 
want to make sure there is plenty of room on each line.

Try hollow cardboard tubing as a handle for your signs.
Some places prohibit things like wooden sticks. 
Cardboard is very popular for handmade signs as it is 
easy to come by, sturdy, and is a great surface for writing 
attaching materials. Foam core and Bristol board are also 
convenient and effective surfaces for your signs. Don’t 
be afraid to cut outside the lines! You can make your own 
shapes to draw more attention.

Paint, markers, ink, pretty much anything bold and that will 
saturate your surface are ideal to construct your content.

Don’t be afraid of bold colour choice. Colour can help you 
grab attention and create a specific feeling or message 
along your words. The same can be done with images. 
These can be printed or drawn. Something large and 
uncomplicated can work best to make a clear and impactful 

Stencil Letterforms for Materials of Protest

Designed by Jenna Lee

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